The paintings and prints displayed here in the Gallery are for sale unless otherwise noted.
The images are painted or printed onto Oriental paper then wet mounted onto card or paper; some are framed.
Prices range from c. £200-£500 for the smaller images and c. £ 500-1,000 for the larger, depending also if the picture is mounted and framed. Please contact me for precise details. Post and packing are not included but can be arranged.
The most popular subjects in East Asian painting range from flowers, fruit and vegetables, birds, insects, animals, fish to landscapes. It is obvious that the traditional East Asian painters saw themselves as a part of nature and loved the most humble things in the natural world.
My choice of subject matter is eclectic and there is much overlap in the categories, but love of the natural world remains the primary theme.
Nature up Close: Birds and Animals, Plants and Flowers

Traditional Chinese painting refers to the painting of landscapes with brush and ink as shan shui which literally translates "mountain-water-picture". Chinese painters do not try to present an image of what they have seen in nature, but what they have thought and felt. It is not important whether the painted colours and shapes look exactly like the real object.
I appreciate this freedom of expression, and although I usually begin with a specific place in mind, during the process of translating an image onto paper something quite different from my first intent may emerge. Generally, I retain Western perspective (instead of the Chinese way which represents things as they are known to the mind allowing the eye of the spectator
to be everywhere at once), but my use of colour is sometimes more fanciful.